Toastmasters is an international organization that offers a supportive environment for people who want to learn and/or improve their communication and listening skills. There are a couple of Toastmasters club in the Netherlands. Most of them are English spoken and some are Dutch spoken.
Last Friday I went to the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam to visit Toastmasters club Amsterdam. They speak English here. The people in this club have different backgrounds, cultures, motivations etc. In each Toastmasters club in the world you can expect people who are absolute beginners and just want to conquer their fear of public speaking, advanced speakers and everything in between.
The session started and I noticed that the meeting was as formal as the setting/scene. Everything was scheduled:
- Who was going to speak about what en when.
- Who was going to evaluate them
- Timekeeper
- Who was going to count how many times a speakers says 'uhhhhs' and 'ahhhss' and 'uhmmm' etc.
- Grammarian
- and there were more roles, can't remember all
The meeting took 2 hours and after 90 minutes I saw some performances of beginners, intermediate and advanced speakers. (just as I expected)
Now there were 30 minutes to go and it was time for "Table Topics": The part of the meeting where members get to think on their feet and speak for a minute or two on a topic selected by the Table Topic Master (Yes, that is a role too). Topics range from politics and current events to hobbies and entertainment. Fast, lively and always entertaining.
I didn't know exactly what it was, so I got that definition from Google.
Tonight's theme was: Tolerance. Every table topic was related to that word. The table master asked random people to come up and give their answers and/or perspectives on questions like:
- What would be something that YOU just can't tolerate?
- What would you be more tolerant about in another situation, place or part of the world whereas you would not be tolerant about that in your own hometown/country/situation and why?
- If there would be one thing in the world people should be more tolerant about, what would that be?
Crap, I can present well when I'm prepared. Thinking and speaking on the spot in front of 30 strangers is something that makes my heart goes boom-boom-boom-boom-boom very fast.
So I got picked by the Table-topic Master to tell the audience what I believe the one thing is that people should be more tolerant about in the world. I was sitting in the back and I had to walk up to the front. The people gave me an encouraging applause, but it sure was one of the longest 16 meters I walked in my life.
I stood there and said: " If there would be one thing in the world people should be more tolerant about it would be: cultural differences (I said that with a lot of confidence as if I knew exactly what I was going to say next)
I didn't.
However, I could just feel that I had caught the attention from most people in the room. Too bad I didn't had a brilliant, outspoken explanation to support that opinion I just made.
But I had a story about culture. One that I love to tell because I noticed that, especially Asians, can relate to this story. One Taiwanese woman talked a little about the Chinese culture during her performance earlier on and I just wanted to make some things a little more clear.
I told this story with enthusiasm, passion, energy and suddenly I felt more comfortable speaking in front of these people than sitting in the back.
I finished my talking and when I walked back to my seat I had the weirdest feeling I ever had after speaking in public, because I fucked up and did a good job at the same time. Depends on how I want to see it. I messed up because I totally did NOT answer the question, exceeded the time limit with 2 minutes (didn't know there was a time-limit for table topics) and apparently I said 'uhhhh' 11 times. I did a good job because I know I spoke with enthusiasm and energy. I consider energy to be THE most important thing when you speak no matter when, with who or why. Nothing matters more than energy. Real enthusiasm and energy is what keeps people awake, attracted to you and open. I particularly remembered one person in the audience smiling at me when I was speaking, it was a real smile. I know a real smile when I see one. That means one thing for sure: she was with me, present and listening. I feel I might have given people some interesting insights about me and/or the Chinese culture. Some value. I really don't care too much about the fact that I did not answered the question.
After the meeting one guy came up to me and said:
"Hey, you did a good job out there"
- Ah really? Thanks.
"Yeah, especially for somebody who speaks here for the first time. I think, with some practice, you can become a great speaker"
- Thank you so much
There are some things I can't handle well and of those things is accepting praise and compliments (and criticism to make it more complicated for ya). I have the habit of assuming that the compliment is being given without genuine intent. I just seldom feel they are genuine. I had a realization when somebody later that night told me that even when someone makes compliment out of contempt, there is always some dark jealous truth behind their own heart. I would like to know how you handle compliments and praise and tell me if you can relate to my perspective. Open my mind on this one.
Week in Review #10
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